Sunday, January 04, 2009

Writer's Block. Sunday, January 4

I woke. I ran. I stretched (viruous, wasn't I?), I showered under the garden hose; I loaded and unloaded the washing macine (twice); I read (Bryson's Shakespeare. Couldn't put it down); I slept on the couch; I ate a tuna salad; and I edited reams and reams of stuff.

What the hell ever happened to WRITING?

If I were to dare open the file, I think I'd find the last story (that's new fiction) I worked on happened about 6 months ago. It's only half way through (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - writer's frustration depicted by illegal use of multiple ! marks). It's far from finished (!!!!!!!!!!!!). It's bugging me (!!!!!!!!!!) and yet I just can't get to it.

Sigh. So this is writer's block?

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